Chiropractic Care

A wide range of techniques offered

There are numerous techniques that can be used throughout the chiropractic profession. The doctors of Livingston County Chiropractic Center utilize a variety of techniques to be able to work with different conditions and people of all ages. Our expansive treatment capabilities also give us more options for finding just the right approach for your condition. The treatment protocols we offer include the Thompson Drop, Cox Flexion Distraction, Activator methods and more.

How chiropractic works

Every person’s body is made to heal, however if your nervous system isn’t functioning properly, you may continue to suffer with symptoms. The spinal column that protects the nervous system can become subluxated (misaligned) causing interference to the nerves which prevents your body to function at 100%. Through chiropractic adjustments we correct those subluxations and in turn your nervous system is working more efficiently which will help decrease symptoms. Remember, everybody’s optimum health is different, so results and benefits can vary from person to person.